High School Exchange Thailand

High School Exchange Thailand

OEG (Overseas Ed Group), established in 1990, is a Thai company that specializes in international education exchange. OEG’s High School and Work Exchange programs aim to send Thai students abroad to gain cultural and language experience. Over 20,000 high school and university students have participated in OEG cultural exchange programs.

More recently, foreign high school students have shown interest in studying in Thailand to earn a transformative and unique experience in a culturally rich country. This program is available for 1 to 3 months, one semester (5 months), or one academic year (9-10 months)!

Program Calendar 

Program length

Starting Dates

Application Deadlines

1 to 3 months


Dec 1


Jun 1

1 semester


Dec 1


Jun 1

1 academic year

Mid-May ONLY 

Dec 1


 Join our team of international representatives. We invite you to explore our website and submit your inquiry HERE!


They did it!

Nils, an exchange student from Germany 
"One of the memories was going to a Thai dance club, it feels awkward in the beginning or talking Thai in the beginning, if people can’t speak English and just try It, it would be absolutely worth it, and in the end, it remained it as a memory that I’m very happy about now. I was just very happy with OEG, and I am very happy about the support, there was always there, like every day you could text someone, and even though at the weekend, at holidays, and you can just get the support"


Nils’ Host family
"น้องเข้ากับครอบครัวได้ดีค่ะ โดยเฉพาะกับเด็กๆที่บ้าน ปรับตัวเก่ง ทานอาหารได้หลากหลาย นอกจากที่เค้าได้เรียนรู้จากเราแล้ว เราก็ได้เรียนรู้เค้าด้วยค่ะ ทั้งภาษาและความคิด วัฒนธรรม - Nils gets along well with our family, especially with our sons. He is very adaptable and can eat a variety of food. In addition to what he has learned from us, we also learned a lot from him, such as language, views, and culture"



Click here to see more of our memories

Exchange students from Germany visit Grand Palace.   German exchange student embraces Thai culture by wearing traditional dress.

German exchange student immerses herself in Thai culture by learning Thai dance.    German exchange students at Suvarnabhumi Airport




Jasmin from Germany 5 months High School Exchange Thailand, 2023
"I enjoyed seeing all the different parts of this country, especially the nature"
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Laura from Germany 5 months High School Exchange Thailand, 2023
"I have learned about my strengths and weaknesses and I know more about my character. I never gave up and reached the goals I wanted to reach. I expressed my feelings and grown in myself. I did many trips and joined the school band. My biggest advice is if you have a problem, try to talk to a person about it because if you keep it to yourself, it will make you feel sad"
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Lisa from Germany 10 months High School Exchange Thailand, 2023
"I chose Thailand because I didn’t wanna go to the USA, like Canada like the basic stuff, because so many people, so many of my friends go to like western countries, where you speak English as a first language, but I kinda wanted to do something different, and Thailand is a very great country, has amazing food, amazing people, amazing culture and Yeah! I feel great about this choice"
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Shereena from Garmany 10 months High School Exchange Thailand, 2023
"If you are already doing an exchange year, and spending so much money, you would like to choose a country, maybe you have never been to before, or don’t know anything about, it will probably be an experience for your life that you will never forget, instead of going to the mainstream country that you already know everything"
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